LYQS 10th Anniversary Concert 26 August, 2013
This concert was held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the London Youlan Qin Society. The first half was performed by Dr. Cheng Yu and members of the London Youlan Qin Society. The second half was performed by the Silk String Quartet.
The concert was organised by the London Youlan Qin Society and was a part of the Guqin Summer School.
- Kongzi Du Yi 孔子读易 Confucius Reads the Book of Changes (Tianwen Ge Qin Handbook, 1876) guqin solo by Charles Tsua
- Qiu Feng Ci 秋风词 Song of the Autumn Wind (Mei’an Qin Handbook, 1931) guqin solo by Chen Qiuzhi
- Zui Yu Chang Wan 醉鱼唱晚 Evening Song of the Drunken Fishermen (Tianwen Ge Qin Handbook, 1876) guqin solo by Julian Joseph
- Meihua San Nong 梅花三弄 Three Variations on the Plum Blossom (Shenqi Mipu Handbook, 1425) guqin solo by Cheng Yu
- Guanshan Yue 关山月 The Moon Over the Guan Pass (from Mei'an Qinpu (1931) qin ensemble by members of the London Youlan Qin Society:
qin ensemble: Cheng Yu, Chen Qiuzi, Ashley Guan, Julian Joseph, Liu Bo, Charles Tsua, Zou Yuan, Ke Wen; lyrics recital in Chinese: Chak Hum; lyrics recital in English: Simeon Gallu
- Jiu Kuang 酒狂 (Drunken Ecstasy) from Shenqi Mipu (1425) qin ensemble by members of the London Youlan Qin Society: Cheng Yu, Chen Qiuzi, Ashley Guan, Julian Joseph, Liu Bo, Charles Tsua, Zou Yuan, Ke Wen
- Tianshui Shihua 天水诗画 Scenery of Tianshan (by Huang He, 2003), Yangqin (hammered dulcimer) solo by Chao Yuqing
- Sai Ma 赛马 Horse Racing (Based on a Mongolia melody by Huang Haihe, 1978) Erhu (2-stringed fiddle) solo by Zhao Xiao, accompanied by Chao Yuqing
- Yuzhou Chang Wan渔舟唱晚 Fishermen Singing at Sunset (Traditional), Guzheng (21-stringed zither) solo by Xu Muzi
- Yangchun Bai Xue 阳春白雪 White Snow in Sunny Spring, Pipa (4-stringed lute) solo by Cheng Yu
- Molihua 茉莉花 Jasmine Flower (Adapted from folk music from southeast China, arr. by Cheng Yu) The Silk String Quartet
- Yaozi Wuzi 瑶族舞曲 Dance of the Yao People (adapted from folk music from southeast China), The Silk String Quartet

The London Youlan Qin Society would like to express their gratitude to Prince's Charities Foundation for funding this concert.